So, I'm always hearing about how tired and sore Mr. M is because of the physical stresses of his job. Now, I completely understand that his job is a lot more physically demanding than my own, but hearing about it constantly makes me feel thisbig. So I decided to do something about it.
Now, I'm not in bad shape, but I'm not in great shape either. I've been smoking for 7 years, and I just quit 3 days ago. Really quit. I haven't had a single one since Friday night. We don't have a scale, but I'd guess I'm about average weight for my height- not chunky, but not skinny. I walk a mile to and from the bus stop on days that I work, but I couldn't run that mile without feeling like I was dying. So, there's room for improvement.
Today is Day #1 of The Best Me I Can Be Challenge (I just came up with that). With some motivation from my Hulk of a hubby and some direction from Jillian Michaels, I am determined to just better myself all around. The smoking thing isn't really bothering me, and I enjoy eating healthy already...but damn, Jillian kicked my ass with my first workout in a loooooooong time this morning. But it feels good. And I know that when I finish this 30 day program, I'm going to look and feel a LOT better, and maybe then Mr. M won't see me as just a wimpy, delicate girl anymore. I have an inner badass and in a month, she'll be here for everyone to see =)
I'm attaching a few pics of me today. Hopefully, I'll see some changes soon!
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